Turath Reading Series

Reading the Classical/Islamic text on economic thought/ideas provides the researchers the great connection of study in the great books of Islamic tradition. Reading the text, discussing it and interpreting classic texts will be the main part of this program. To make up traditional Islamic economics both researchers and students will be striving together to understand the ideas and principles. Discussions will be conducted in English, but all texts will be read in the original Arabic to assure the most authentic knowledge of the tradition. Also, substantive texts of Qur’an, Sunnah and Fiqh will be studied over the curriculum. The program is intended for those who have attained considerable knowledge of the Islamic tradition such as Arabic, Islamic law and economics.

The proposed program will be a collaboration between KENMS Islamisation Unit and Center for Islamic Economics (CIE). The target audience will be academic staff and students of KENMS. CIE will issue certificate of participation to the participants at the end of reading sessions for each classical text. The proposed of the books for the reading session are below:


  • 1. Kitāb al-Kasb (Book of Earning a Livelihood) by Muḥammad ibn Ḥasan al-Shaybānī
  • 2. Kitāb al-Makāsib wa al-Waraʿ [Book of Earnings and Prudence] by Ḥārith ibn Asad al-Muḥāsibī
  • 3. Kitāb Ādāb al-Kasb wa al-Maʿāsh [Book of the Ethics of Earning and Livelihood] & Kitāb al-Ḥalāl wa al-Ḥarām [Book of the Licit and the Illicit] by Abū Ḥāmid al-Ghazzālī
  • 4. Kitāb al-Ishārah ilā Maḥāsin al-Tijārah [Book of the Guide to the Merits of Commerce] by Abū Faḍl Jaʿfar ibn ʿAlī al-Dimishq